Local child safeguarding practice reviews

Stockport SSCP conducts formal reviews of child abuse cases in accordance with central government guidance contained in Working Together to Safeguard Children.

Under the new Stockport Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) arrangements and in line with the Children and Social Work Act (2017), the process for reviewing cases has changed.

Important lessons are learned from the detailed review of cases where children have died or received a life-threatening injury due to abuse or neglect.

Each local child safeguarding practice review is managed by experienced senior managers drawn from SSCP agencies. Members are identified according to the needs of each case to ensure that the panel is independent of involvement in the case and has access to any expert knowledge required.

If you have any queries about past serious case reviews call the Safeguarding Unit on 0161 474 5657.

Child A local child safeguarding practice review (PDF 225Kb)

Child F local child safeguarding practice review (PDF 324Kb)

Child D local safeguarding practice review (PDF 114Kb) 

Child M local safeguarding practice review (PDF 113Kb)


Rapid Review Process

This document sets out the arrangements by which Stockport Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) will determine when to trigger a Rapid Review process or another appropriate alternative case review process.

If you’d like to make a case referral, complete the referral form (PDF 267Kb) and email to lsb@stockport.gov.uk.

Child abuse or neglect

Do not ignore it:

  • call 0161 217 6028 – Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • or 0161 718 2118 – evenings and weekends
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